There is a saying. I believe it was originally some kind of sportsball quote but has been paraphrased to death. I hear it all the time lately, because it is a lyric in a song that’s on one of my “frequently listened” playlists. I’ve even looked up the quote for the purpose of this blog… Continue reading SHOTS NOT TAKEN
Tag: advice
There are a couple of common issues in the writing community: Comparisonitis and Imposter Syndrome. Let’s talk about those for a sec, shall we? (No, this is not a “woe is me” kind of post. It’s just a thing I keep seeing cropping up and want to share my irrelevant opinion.) Comparisonitis is the writing… Continue reading COMPARISONITIS AND IMPOSTER SYNDROME
It has been said — by someone, and I am not going to research who it was — that no matter how much you know, there is someone out there who knows more. Maybe it was actually about fighting ability. I don’t know. That said, no matter how good a writer you are, there is… Continue reading ALWAYS BE LEARNING – WITHIN REASON