Today’s episode focuses on characters — or lack thereof. Contribute to the conversation in the comments! (PLEASE NOTE: First-time posters are subject to approval due to the avalanche of spambots.) To subscribe, please enter the RSS feed (link at the top of the page) into your favorite podcatcher. This podcast will not be listed in… Continue reading PODCAST #0 – CHARACTERS


“Where Do You Get Your Ideas?” It’s a question every writer hates. And here is the answer, in case you need a few for next month. This is a podcast all about National Novel Writing Month. Contribute to the conversation in the comments! (PLEASE NOTE: First-time posters are subject to approval due to the avalanche… Continue reading PODCAST #-1: STORY IDEAS


NaNoWriMo is not a sprint: It’s a marathon. Today’s episode is all about gearing up and preparing yourself for that marathon. Brace yourself mentally, and if you’re so inclined, prepare your novel with pre-November outlining. This is a podcast all about National Novel Writing Month. Contribute to the conversation in the comments! (PLEASE NOTE: First-time… Continue reading PODCAST #-3: PREP GUIDE


Did someone say NaNoWriMo?

It’s that time again! Autumn shifts the color palette in many parts of the country, and Orange is the new Yellow as October dawns. You know what that means… We have survived another trip around the sun. This blog turned a year old at some point last month, but more importantly, October means that National… Continue reading WRIMO IS COMING


WARNING: This post is going to be extraordinarily long, so I’m going to do us all a favor and not beat around the bush. NaNoWriMo is over. I won. Again. #14. (Winning just means that I wrote 50,000 or more words in the month of November.) If you want to stop reading now, you have… Continue reading IT HAS ENDED