Hello, Hoopy Froods of the internet! I’m so happy to pretend you’re reading this today. A couple of weeks ago as I write this (which is about a week before this will post), I had a rare moment of “getting something finished.” I figured out how to get the AI audio files of the Seeing… Continue reading GOT A THING DONE
Tag: Axe to Grind
(Or, HOW AI HAS MADE ME INCAPABLE OF DECIDING WHAT TO WRITE) Hello imaginary people on the internet who I pretend care about the things I have to say. It is your old pal, Random Writer from the internet. Today I want to talk about a phenomenon I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned once or twice… Continue reading ANALYSIS PARALYSIS
In the last post, I talked about how AI text generation has gotten me excited about writing for the first time in forever. (No, that’s not a Frozen reference. Stop trying to distract me. We’re barely a paragraph in!) That excitement / eagerness has not waned at all. But what has also not waned is… Continue reading MOTIVATION IS A FINICKY THING